(2024) Can Rick and Morty save the planet? Re-politicizing climate change through humor and animation. Television & New Media.
(2024) Visualising state biographical narratives: a rhetorical analysis of Chinese and North Korean propaganda photographs. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. (with Kai Oppermann)
(2024) Propaganda photographs as a tool of North Korean public diplomacy: an experimental analysis of the Kim Jong-un effect. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. (with Kai Oppermann)
(2023) Animated satire and collective memory: reflecting on the American “history wars” with The Simpsons. HUMOR.
(2023) Indigenous-washing and colonial amnesia: how New Zealand’s nation brand depoliticizes climate change. International Journal of Communication.
(2022) Visual narratives of environmental change: collective memory and identity at New Zealand heritage sites. Visual Communication.
(2022) Photographs as instruments of public diplomacy: China’s visual storytelling during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. (with Kai Oppermann)
(2021) The dictator’s screenplay: collective memory narratives and the legitimacy of communist rule in East Asia. Democratization.
(2020) The visual framing of “failed” states: Afro-pessimism vs Afro-optimism. Media, War & Conflict.
(2019) The visual politics of corruption. Third World Quarterly.